(Examination at the end of Semester - V)
Paper - VI: Modern Physics
Time : 3 Hours] [Max : 75 Marks
Section - A (5x5 =25 Marks)
Answer any Five from the following Eight questions.
1. Explain L-S coupling and J-S coupling.
2. Explain the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for position and momentum.
3. Give the physical significance of wave function ψ.
4. Explain the basic postulates of quantum mechanics.
5. Explain Neutrino hypothesis of ꞵ decay.
6. Explain the Miller indices for a crystal lattice.
7, Explain Meissner effect.
8. X-ray of wave length 1:54 A are diffracted by a crystal. The incident angle is 11°. What is the lattice space distance ?
Section - B (5 x 10 = 50 Marks)
Answer All questions.
9. (a) Explain spatial quantization and spinning of an electron hypothesis. Explain the quantum numbers associated with vector atom model.
(b) What is Raman effect ? Give the experimental arrangement for Raman Effect. Obtain the expression for Raman shift.
10. (a) Explain the Debroglie concept of matter waves. Obtain an expression for the wavelength of matter waves ? Give the properties of matter waves.
(b)Give the theory of Davison and Germer experiment. Explain its importance.
11. (a) Derive the Schrodinger time dependent wave equation for a particle in one dimensional box.
(b) Obtain the wave functions and energy values of a particle In a one dimensional box using Schrodinger wave equation.
12. (a) Explain the properties of nucleus.
(b) Explain the Gamow's theory of α - decay.
13. (a) Explain the different types of Crystal systems.
(b) What is super conductivity ? Explain about type - 1 and type - 2 superconductors.