[BA - S 2205]
Fourth Semester
(CSS —3)
(Common with B.A. B.Sc. B.Com. BBA., B.C.A.,BHM&CT & B.Sc H &HA)
(With effective from 2015-2016 admitted batch)
Time: Two hours Maximum: 50 marks
1. Answer any TWO questions in about 200 words each (2x 5= 10)
(a) How can one develop positive thinking? Give tips
(b) What are the major areas of body language?
(c) How is SWOT/SWOC useful for individuals and organizations?
(d) What are the four major attributes of emotional intelligence?
2. (a) Write on any ONE of the following (1 x 5=5)
(i) Ignorance is bliss.
(ii) Many hands make light work.
(b) Arrange the jumbled sentences into a meaningful paragraph (5 x 1=5)
(i) A boy who had been to a movie felt that an actor resembled his father and so he sot terribly thrilled.
(ii) The implied contrast in the two attitudes describe their nature finally.
(iii)In the following story, an unusual situation is presented.
(iv)But the mother finds the experience unbearable.
(v)It presents two different reactions to a situation I am going to tell.
3. (a) Paraphrase the paragraph given below : (1 x 5 =5)
Male Hons are rather reticent about expending their energy in hunting — more than three-quarters of kills are made by honesses. Setting off at dusk on a hunt, the lionesses are in front of tensely scanning ahead, the cubs lag playfully behind and males bring up the rare walking slowly, their massive heads nodding with each step as if they were bored with the whole matter. Butslothfulness may have survival value. With lionesses busy hunting the males function as guards for the cubs protecting them particularly from hyenas.
(b) Summarize the paragraph given below : (1 x 5 =5)
He always remembered where he had come from and when he had some real money and moved into a comfortable house, his mother and father went with him. Later, when he grew rich and bought Graceland, he sent for his grandmother and widowed aunt. He also hired cousins and friends who needed work. He said “Sir” and maam’ to his seniors, loved Singing spiritual and when he was conscripted he served two years in the US Army without a complaint or special favor. “When they saw me working in the kitchen and doing guard duty”. Elvis Presley once said, “they realized well he’s just like us”.
4. (a) Write a letter on ONE of the two topics : (lx5=5)
(i) Write a letter to your brother requesting him to send you money for your needs.
(ii) Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the nuisance of begging in the streets.
(b) Write an email to any ONE of the following : (1 x 5=5)
(i) You have been recently promoted in your job. Share the good news with your friends.
(ii) You have been searching for some books. One of your friends has told you that the books are available with Maruthi publications. New Delhi.
5 (a) Prepare a curriculum vitae for the following advertisement: (lx5=5)
Wanted a receptionist for the front office of an established college in Hyderabad. Post-graduation with 60% of marks. Good academic record. 1 year of experience, fluency in English is a must. C/o Post Box No. 152. The Times of India, Hyderabad.
(b) Write a cover letter for the above CV. (lx5=5)