Andhra University Degree 5th Semester Computer Science Paper - V (Data Base Management Systems) Question Paper of the year 2019 is available here. (Taken from Test Papers) Check it below.
Year - 2019
Andhra University
B.Sc. (CBCS) Degree Examination
Fifth Semester
Computer Science
Time : 3 Hours Max: 75 Marks
[Section - A] (5 x 5 = 25 Marks)
Answer any five questions.
1. Define Data, Information Database, Database System, and DBMS.
2. Explain different vendors and their products for database.
3. Explain the advantages of ER modeling.
4. Explain about Entity Clusters.
5. What is Relational Algebra? Explain different operators in Relational Algebra.
6. Explain different data types supported in SQL.
7. What is View? Explain different types of Views.
8. Define Cursor. Explain the importance of Cursor.
[Section - B] (5 x 10 = 50 Marks)
Answer the following (One fram each Unit).
Unit I
9. Explain the. difference between Traditional File Processing System and Database Systems.
10. Explain the Architecture, and Components of Database Systems in detail.
Unit II
11. Explain the steps to create ER modeling in detail.
12. Explain the Enhanced Entity Relational Modelling techniques in detail.
Unit III
13. Explain Dr. E.F. Codd rules in detail.
14. Define Integrity Constraint. Explain different Integrity Constraints in detail.
Unit IV
15. Explain the difference between Sub Query and Correlated Subquery with suitable example.
16. What is Join operations? Explain different types of Joins in detail.
Unit V
17. Define Exception. Explain Exception Handling in PL/SQL in detail.
18. Define Trigger. Explain the steps of Triggers in detail.
Special Thanks to Yamuna for uploading this Question Paper.